Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Week 16: Avoca-don't

Avoca-don't tell Mom...that her belly looks bigger every day. Sprout is most definitely moving, kicking, and growing: and Mom can feel all of it. This week, Mom felt her for the first time. She's a mover and a shaker, for sure. It was exciting....but also a little uncomfortable.
  • Sprout is listening to our voices, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears
  • She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows
  • And Sprout's forming taste buds - hopefully she likes Indian food like her sister!

Mom took Sprout to the Sarasota Orchestra with Grammy and Pop-Pop. It turns out, a bunch of her co-workers were there as well. They're silly and fun....which made the performance even more fun! Sprout got a chance to hear Norm Lewis, Broadway baritone extraordinaire, in person which was amazing! 

Silly ladies
Hadley is FINALLY feeling better this week. It took her so long to get better, and even now she has a pretty bad cough. Other than that though, she is feeling so much better. Mom and Dad are thrilled and while she's annoying again, I'm really happy she chases me around the house again. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Vitamin C is Good for You!

Loki, here! I missed blogging, so I'm back with a doggie vengeance. This week, Sprout is on the move and size of a navel orange!
  • She can't feel it yet, but Sprout is squirming a ton!
  • Sprout might even be hiccuping in there
  • Sprout's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now

Mom is still feeling well and is almost completely back to normal activities. She's still not eating very much in one sitting, but that just means more leftovers for me. 

Sprout and Mom at 15 weeks
photo cred: Paige D.
Hadley has been super sick all week which is really sad. She just wants to lay around and snuggle. She's had a fever and a head cold which just makes for a miserable kiddo. Hopefully she starts turning the corner soon. In the meantime, I just try to kiss her and love her. 

Prior to getting sick, the ladies spent the morning at Honda while Mom got her car serviced. Hadley had a great time chilling, making friends in the waiting room, and playing in their VERY AWESOME play room. Three cheers for Wilde Honda!

Rocking the Baby Uggs

Lastly, Hadley and Sprout (via Mom's belly) got to meet her new second cousin, Sienna. She is such a sweet baby and loves to smile, just like Hadley. They had a great time together, and so did their parents.

Sienna and her dad, Brian. Mom and Hadley (and Sprout!)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 14: A Bump and Sippy Cups

Sprout is the size of a lemon! She is:
  • probably thumb sucking and wiggling her toes in there! 
  • kidneys are making urine, and the liver and spleen are doing their jobs too. 
  • growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over— it'll help keep her body warm!

Mom is looking good and feeling great, with the exception of being pretty tired by the end of each day. That's probably because Hadley is running, running, running - all the time! Her bump is getting more pronounced every day, and she's had to tell everyone at work. It doesn't look like she just ate too many hamburgers anymore. There's definitely a baby in there!
Mom and Sprout at 14 wks

The big news this week is that Hadley FINALLY learned how to use a sippy cup (happily). It has been such an important step for her, and she just would NOT hold her cup on her own. In the end, she realized that straws are fun and can make a mess, if one so chooses. Therefore: sippy cups for the win!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hang in there, Bruce!

A note: in protest of the news stated below, Loki is taking a break from blogging. It's like a hunger strike, except he likes food way too much.

The big news of 2016 is that Hadley is going to be a big sister: to a baby girl due July 11th (my dad's birthday!)

Week 12

Week 13
Baby Girl #2, aka Sprout, is growing fast. I'm feeling fine, and Bruce has come to terms with being the lone human man of the house. Loki, however, is NOT THRILLED: not happy about Sprout, not about being outnumbered, and most not about how Hadley is obsessed with him.

Upon learning about her new role as "Big Sister", Hadley had a slight meltdown, and grabbed a wine glass presumably to drown her sorrows in milk....

Christmas and New Year's went by quickly and without incident. We had so many lovely visitors, Hadley had a great time. The only drawback is that the entire house was stricken with some mysterious cold/bronchitis. We have survived, relatively unscathed.

"Daddy: are you under there??"
"Haha! I found you!"

We couldn't be more excited to welcome Sprout to the family, and we are so grateful for everyone's congratulations, warm wishes, and excitement! 2016 is shaping up to be our best, and most hectic, year yet!

Squishing her sister's face...
probably not for the last time