Saturday, November 29, 2014

Week 39: A watermelon!? Oh for the love of Pete

Bean is the size of a watermelon this week. A WATERMELON. That is a large fruit that should never be associated with the size of anything in anyone's body. (Mom told me to write this. I have no idea what's she carrying on about).  Anyway, Bean is fully grown and totally developed at this point. She weighs somewhere between 6-7 pounds, we think, and over the next week she'll just get bigger. Mom and Dad have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday (Bean's actual due date) to have an ultrasound to check in on the baby. At that point, if she hasn't arrived yet, they'll talk about options for helping her along a bit. Mom and Dad are both very OK with any and all options to get her out at this point.

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving with both sides of the family, which was so much fun! Mom and Dad did their annual Turkey Trot 5k the morning of Thanksgiving. Mom waddled about 2 miles of it, but Dad ran the whole race and finished in 24 minutes!! He's super fast! They had a great day with family, and the Trot was an awesome and healthy way to start the holiday.

Mom and Bean at Thanksgiving dinner
39 weeks pregnant

View from the mid-way point of the Turkey Trot 5k - beautiful Sarasota Bay

Mom and Dad (and Bean) before the race

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 38: Pumpkin Pie

This week, Bean is the size of a pumpkin - and right in time for Thanksgiving! Mom can absolutely agree to the pumpkin visual...this kid is getting big, and Mom is even more uncomfortable than last week. That being said, I think she looks fine except that her clothes don't really fit very well. This week, Mom had another appointment with Dr. Hamel. Bean's doing very well and is happy inside Mom's belly. Dr. Hamel thinks Bean may make her grand entrance before her Dec. 3 due date.....and Mom would be seriously thrilled if that happens. She and Dad are REALLY ready to meet this little lady on the outside.  I have no idea what labor entails, but it seems like everyone is eager to get it over with.

Mom's employer and co-workers have been so flexible and accommodating, it's been a lifesaver. She has been able to adjust her work hours and, if she starts to feel too tired or sick, she's been given the OK to go home and rest. It's probably because of them that she's been doing so well. Thanks New College and Team CEO!  

Week 38: aka totally over being
Last weekend, Dad went to the Daddy Boot Camp at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Veteran dads share their stories and give tips to help new dads through the transition. Dad said it was really helpful, and now both he and Mom feel as ready as they ever will to meet Baby H. I, on the other hand, have never been given the option of attending Big Fur Brother Boot Camp. I'll be honest -- I'm a little hurt that the hospital doesn't deem me worthy. Guess I'll just have to base everything I know on Nana from Peter Pan. 

Enjoying some quiet bone chewing moments before
the baby arrives
In other news, Grammy and Pop-Pop Babiarz arrived in Sarasota on Thursday. They moved into their condo which is only 7 minutes from my house. This means they are available to visit me (and I guess the baby) with ease. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 37: Captain America: The Winter Melon

Mom is 37 weeks along, and Bean is getting ready to come out and meet everyone! She is about 6 pounds right now, and each week that goes by means she's getting bigger and bigger. All of her major organs and bodily functions are working. From now until the time she comes out, she's just adding fat rolls to her thighs and more cheeks.

Mom is feeling OK, but she is really tired of being pregnant now. She's starting to have some trouble sleeping, has heart burn 24/7, and definitely is the Queen of Back Aches. BUT, she's still going strong at work and she and Dad are enjoying going to the movies every weekend. Seriously: every weekend. If you need any suggestions, recently they've seen John Wick, Interstellar, and Fury. Good times.
37 weeks - check out those slippers

Obviously, I'm the center of attention

Dad makes me do weird things

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 36: The Honey "Dew" List

Bean is the size of a honeydew this week, and MAN - Mom can really tell. Bean's body is just about ready to enter this world. Her kidneys and liver are working, and her circulation and immune system are awesome. Mom had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and Dr. Hamel said Bean is in the right position and already starting to prepare to be born.  So are Mom and Dad. This week, they installed the baby car seats, set up the bassinet, and the nursery is almost ready to go. We are still putting the finishing touches on the crib, but I think the baby won't mind. Now, all we need is the baby.

Week 36: Officially nine months pregnant
Bean's Room!

Bean's Room at night