Friday, November 20, 2015

Hadley meets Santa!

This was an epic moment for Hadley. She met the big guy in charge of Christmas gifts - Sir Santa himself. While most kids are shy and/or traumatized by Santa, Hadley thought he was the cat's meow. She told him her wish list, smiled for pictures and enjoyed herself thoroughly.

Mostly, because....snow. Fake, Florida snow, but snow none the less. It was coming down from the top of the igloo, and she was 100% into it. She had a ball! It was such a wonderful way to get into the holiday spirit. Granted, we started a bit early this year, but she didn't mind. More time to celebrate!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Happy 11 Months!

Hadley turned 11 months on Thursday and WOAH - that was fast! This little girl cannot slow down or be stopped. Always moving, always running, and never a dull moment. Hadley loves to eat (anything, really), playing with her friends, following the dog around the house, and being silly. She isn't a fan of shoes (she prefers street feet) and definitely doesn't like being told no!

Baby on the move!

Just hanging out

"Mom - I'm not into this sticker thing anymore"

"Boo sticker - I'm done with you"

Happy Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween from Hadley! We had such a good time this Halloween. Hadley's best friend Hartley and her parents came to our house to trick-or-treat. Aunt Meg and Justin came too! It was such a great day - although Hadley and Hartley only lasted 20 minutes trick or treating. Their parents ate all the candy, while the kids got baths, in pjs, and went to bed. All in all, it was a perfect compromise!

The Aultmans! Hook, Tinkerbell, and Peter Pan

Team Safari! 2 Zookeepers and a monkey in a tutu

See? Hadley was happy at one point

"Who took my candy?!?!"