Sprout is as big as romaine lettuce, a food Mom is most not craving right now. Baby continues to grow and is quickly running out of room. Mom, Dad and Hadley are anxiously awaiting her arrival (the bags are packed, the car seat installed). I am.....not looking forward to another little girl crawling all over me.
This week:
- Sprout is practicing some cool, new skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.
- She's getting the first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for her first diaper. Mom and Dad are already getting ready to draw straws for that one.
Mom and Sprout: Week 37 |
All three ladies watching a movie. Saturday fun! |
Hadley had an excellent week, filled with many fun visits and play dates with Hartley. She is getting so big, and her vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger. Juice, Elmo, and No (eek!) are some of her favorite. Most of all, she LOVES "Bus" on any electronic device. It's a YouTube video that has cartoons of Wheels on the Bus and other nursery rhymes. She has also developed a love of coloring, and made a beautiful drawing for Dad's Father's Day gift.
Oh please, we all know meconium poop is Daddy territory!