Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 25: A bouquet of cauliflower

Sprout is the size of a cauliflower this week, and she has been making her presence known. 
  • She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium—and now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • She's growing more fat and more hair too!
Mom, Sprout, and Hadley - at
25 weeks
This week, we said goodbye to Grammy and Pop-Pop....and it was really hard!! They've been here since December, helping us take care of everything and being some of our biggest supporters. Grammy will be back in July when Sprout arrives, but until then, we are on our own (for food and laundry!!!)....

"Hey Daddy - I see you taking that picture!!"
After we said goodbye, Dad flew to New Orleans for a trade show, so Mom, Hadley, Sprout and I played fetch and snuggled in the teepee. It was a lot of fun, but Mom is getting winded a lot more quickly now than she used too. Sprout is kicking and growing like a weed! It is great that she is so healthy, but Mom is starting to feel the effects of a toddler and baby in her belly.


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