A belated post, but a fun one to write, none the less. On Monday, July 11 Bruce and I woke up super early (4am) to go to the hospital. Willa would be induced today - my dad's birthday! - and we were nervous. Hadley came with such an uncomplicated process, we couldn't help but worry this would be harder.
Week 40: Morning of induction |
20 minutes before Willa arrived. Feeling good!! |
AND we couldn't have been more wrong!! At 6am, we checked into the hospital and were immediately brought upstairs to L&D. The lovely nurses started an IV and by 8am, they broke my water and I had my first dose of Pitocin on board to begin the labor process. Everything went perfectly, and at 10am, I asked for an epidural, even though the pain was barely noticeable. After that, it was a breeze!! I couldn't feel any pain and my contractions were progressing nicely. At 4pm, my doctor came into the room and told me it was soon time to push. After 3 contractions and 9 pushes total (about 5 minutes), Willa Rose Hughes entered the world weighing 7lbs 10ozs and measuring 20 inches.
After 24 hours in the hospital, everyone was sent home with a clean bill of health. Hadley was THRILLED to meet her new baby sister and fell in love immediately. Mimi was there to help, and Erica came by to visit, too!