Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Eight...EIGHT!!...Months Old

Time has flown! Now that Mom is back at work, it's harder for me to get my blog posts updated, but I'll keep trying. Hadley is eight months old now and she is on the move! She's crawling and pulling herself up on everyone and everything. Every now and then she tries to just turn and walk away, and then she falls. We are working on it though, and I bet she's walking/toddling in no time!

Over the past month, we've been really busy. We flew up north to celebrate Hadley's baptism with family and friends, Hadley got her first tooth, and she started Independent Self Rescue swim lessons. These lessons teach babies to float and swim if they accidentally fall in the water. It's hard work - and she doesn't really like it - but Hadley is learning quickly how to take care of herself in the event of an accident. What a trooper!

Hadley likes food, specifically chewing on bread, playing with Mom and Dad, watching Daniel Tiger, splashing in the tub, and snuggle time. She doesn't like ISR, when you leave her by herself, or being told "NO". So, basically a typical 8-month old!

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