Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 32: Squishy Squash

This week, Bean is the size of a squash but is moving around a lot more than a squash. Sometimes, I can see her moving around inside Mom's belly. It's weird. Mom had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and Bean's heartbeat is strong and she's really happy inside Mom's belly. She's about 3 pounds, and Dr. Hamel (Mom's doctor) thinks she's going to be a nice, small baby. They're both aiming for a 7-8 pound baby.

Mom has been feeling tired and nauseous lately, as well as experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions. Not to worry, though. That's all normal third trimester stuff. Everyone is right on track and doing well. Mom and Dad went to a day-long Prepared Childbirth class at the hospital last weekend. They learned a lot and are feeling much less anxious about Bean's arrival. They also had a chance to tour the Labor & Delivery and Mother/Baby units of the hospital at Sarasota Memorial. Apparently, they are VERY NICE. Bean will be coming into quite the posh setting.  Then, Mom went to a breastfeeding class later in the week with her other pregnant friend, Erica. They had a hard time not giggling. They are both super overwhelmed with the thought of breastfeeding now. Oh well - nothing to be done about that!

Week 32 - today was a good morning
This week, we had visitors which was SO MUCH FUN!!! Grammy Babiarz and her best friend Ellen came to town. Ellen is THE BEST at playing sock which has made me so happy. I like going to work with Dad, but it's really fun to come home to Grammy snuggles and Ellen sock time.

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