27 weeks - and Mom's official final week in the second trimester. Bean is growing and getting fatter inside Mom's belly. She's developing brain activity and practicing breathing. Big news for this week: Dad was finally able to feel Bean kick! Dad had his hand on Mom's belly and Bean did a whollop of a soccer kick. It was very cool. Mom's back aches are getting worse as Bean puts more pressure on her rib cage, but it's very exciting to know that's because the baby is getting bigger. And so is Mom!
27 weeks pregnant and battling
nasty cold and cough |
Mom and Dad are finally starting to feel better. They've both been battling the coughing plague of 2014. I've been trying to take care of Mom and Bean the best that I can, but that meant a lot of late nights and almost no sleep. I'm so tired! Mom went to the doctor to get some medicine to help her and Bean sleep through the night, and it has made a world of difference. I'm looking forward to catching up on sleep this weekend, though.
Playing Nurse Loki is a rough gig |
Mom and Dad also took big steps this week in Bean's room and picked colors! They have gray furniture, white curtains and teal and coral accent colors for the room. It will look really pretty when all is said and done. Mom started working on Bean's baby quilt this week. Stay tuned for more progress pictures now that Mom is feeling better.
The start of Bean's baby quilt |
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