Week 19 - so close to halfway there. Bean is the size of a mango this week and is starting to develop his/her five senses. Bean's also still wiggling around a lot, and Mom hopes Dad will be able to feel some of it soon.
Speaking of big things --- we find out whether Bean is a boy or a girl on Monday!!! Keep your eyes peeled for a special gender post on Monday night. Don't worry, readers. I won't leave you hanging! Start placing your bets now....
Mom and Bean at 19 weeks - she's still smiling! That's a good sign. |
In other news, Mom and Dad bought a Snoogle pregnancy pillow so that Mom could start sleeping a little more soundly. That's good for me too, because she's been waking me up at all hours of the night readjusting pillows and going to the bathroom. Ugh. But the Snoogle is amazing. It's a gigantic "C" shaped pillow....and I LOVE it.
Me....snuggling with the Snoogle. It's heavenly. |
Big day tomorrow! I say you should look away and let the little critter's gender be a surprise!
I'm pretty sure Grandma Babiarz would KILL me if we did that... nope, this kid definitely will be giving us plenty of other surprises. :) xoxo talk to you soon!!