This week, my inspiration is 'merica!! And Neil Diamond! So now I have "Sweet Caroline" stuck in my head which sounds a lot like Sweet Poe-ta-toe... or maybe not. This week was hard. Bean is the size of a sweet potato. Mom is the size of a pregnant woman. Dad pretty much looks the same.
Bean is moving around like crazy and now spends time during the day yawning, hiccuping, and wiggling around. Mom's back has started aching if she sits or stands for too long, but Dad has been doing a great job giving back rubs. And I'm still really good at snuggling....which I hear is great for back aches.
This week we celebrated Independence Day by staying at home and lounging on the couch. Mom and Dad got back from a great trip up north, and I had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa Hughes. But we were tired. So we ate yummy home-cooked food, Mom, Dad, and Bean spent some time on a boat, and I caught up on my beauty rest. It's been great!
Mom and Bean at 18 weeks - She looks pregnant now! |
So happy to have my buddies home. |