True story: I love guacamole. It is delicious. Mom and Dad love it too. I assume that Bean will love it as well.
Anyway - Bean's the size of an avocado this week. This means that Bean can hear (finally - now I'm not the only one Mom can talk to in the morning), is growing eyebrows and eye lashes (hopefully super duper really pretty long ones), and is forming taste buds. Big things happening this week for Bean.
Mom is feeling really good this week and her bump is still growing! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday. It wasn't one with an ultrasound, so we didn't get to see Bean, but we got to hear his/her heartbeat. It was strong and very healthy. Mom is starting to feel little tiny movements from the baby. I can't feel anything yet, but she thinks in a few weeks Dad and I will be able to feel some kicks on the outside of her belly.
Mom and Bean at 16 weeks |
I wanted to be in the picture, but I was having a hard time sitting still.
My bad. |
Dad enjoyed celebrating his first Father's-to-be Day with some golf and presents from me, Mom, and Bean. I bought Dad socks, lots of socks, since I have a tendency to ruin the ones he has. Mom bought dad a cool new coffee mug, and Bean got him this awesome gift:
Bean's first purchase for Dad - I think it's really cute, but very small.
Babies are small, you guys. |
We've also been getting some really fabulous gifts from friends and family. Mom's Aunt Kim and cousin Kellie sent Bean two fantastic books for Bean's library, and Mom's friend Julie had this adorable nappy made for Bean. This baby is going to be so loved and so spoiled. I've already decided to share my toys with the baby. I'm assuming that Bean is also going to share toys with me. That's the deal with siblings, right? You share???
Baby books and an adorable personalized nappy.
Thanks everyone!!! XOXO |