Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10: California Dreams

Bean is the size of a prune (hence the California reference). Not much has changed, although Mom is starting to feel a whole lot better. She even took me for a run with her the other morning - a first in over six weeks. She was very happy to get some fresh air and have her heart rate up a little. I kind of wish she still wanted to lay around on the couch all day.

Also, Mom and Dad have started cleaning out and sprucing up Bean's room.  It used to have a lot of stuff like luggage and boxes in it, but once they got rid of those, it started to look like a great room for a baby. I think Bean will really like it. They haven't bought anything yet for the baby - they said they're waiting to find out what we're having. I don't know what that means - I assume it's something like they don't know whether it's a poodle or a golden retriever.

For all of my adoring fans, I asked my mom to take some photos of us playing around on the couch. She's super fun like that!!

Kissy face!

Here we are being super sneaky

Big smiles!


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