Friday, May 30, 2014

Week 13: Georgia on my mind

Since Mom and Dad finally went "Facebook official" this week (I've been telling them to do this for weeks, but no one listens to me) I'd like to welcome all of our new readers! I try to update my blog posts on Fridays since it usually works best for Mom. Mom is in the final week of her first trimester and feels great. Bean is the size of a peach! Here's what I know about peaches: they're delicious, they have a pit which is an excellent chew toy, and everyone says that Georgia has the best ones.

Bean went to the beach with Mom and Dad over the holiday weekend, and Mom showed off her new baby bump with pride. I think the bump is wonderful! It is a perfect head rest for me when we're snuggling on the couch binge watching Orphan Black.  By the way - have you watched this show yet? It's amazing. You should go watch it right now.

Everyone at Mom's work agrees that there is a definite bump now. Dad has known this for a while, but I guess it wasn't as noticeable to everyone else. I think Mom is going to be all belly in no time. This is a pretty big bump for 13 weeks.  It gets a lot bigger after she eats too, which she is doing a lot more of now that she isn't sick anymore.

Mom and Bean 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Week 12: 2 arms, 2 legs....definitely no second head

Monday was a big day for us. Mom and Dad had their big 12-week appointment at the doctor's office. They got a chance to get a good look at Bean, who was eager to show off all of his/her moves. Bean put on a real show proving that his/her arms and legs were working quite well.  Then, after a solid 10 minutes, Bean went to sleep. Everything looks perfect. Bean is growing really well, heart rate is right where it should be, and all measurements were within the normal ranges. Obviously a Hughes: totally an over-achiever.

As promised, here are a few snapshots of Bean's most recent photo session. The next one isn't until Week 20, so you'll just have to trust that Bean is growing right on schedule. Also, Mom's growing belly is a good indicator of that as well.

A good look at Bean's nose here

See? That long bright line is a leg.

Here's a good look at Bean's little body

No, that's not a witch nose. It's just Bean's hand near his/her face.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Week 11: You put the lime in the coconut

Hola readers! Bean is the size of a lime this week, which would have been more appropriate around Cinco de Mayo, but that's neither here nor there. It's been really great in our house this week. Everyone is so excited about Bean, Mom is feeling great, and everyone is back in their normal routines of going to the gym and making weekend plans.

Dad had a few fun activities planned for Mom's first Mother's (to-be) Day, including getting her a really great new purse. Mom has been sporting a small bump lately as well and hasn't been able to fit into some of her clothes which means more shopping!!  Bean has a photo shoot at the doctor's office on Monday, so I'll make sure to post those pictures next week.

Here's Mom - for the first time in her life NOT sucking in for a photo (Dad gets the photo credit)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10: California Dreams

Bean is the size of a prune (hence the California reference). Not much has changed, although Mom is starting to feel a whole lot better. She even took me for a run with her the other morning - a first in over six weeks. She was very happy to get some fresh air and have her heart rate up a little. I kind of wish she still wanted to lay around on the couch all day.

Also, Mom and Dad have started cleaning out and sprucing up Bean's room.  It used to have a lot of stuff like luggage and boxes in it, but once they got rid of those, it started to look like a great room for a baby. I think Bean will really like it. They haven't bought anything yet for the baby - they said they're waiting to find out what we're having. I don't know what that means - I assume it's something like they don't know whether it's a poodle or a golden retriever.

For all of my adoring fans, I asked my mom to take some photos of us playing around on the couch. She's super fun like that!!

Kissy face!

Here we are being super sneaky

Big smiles!