Hadley's mom here. I cannot believe our little girl has been in our lives for a whole year already. It seems like she's always been here, and our family is more complete, happy, and adorable with her in it. One year ago, at 4:06pm on Dec. 5, this little bundle of love made her debut -- and it's been a joyride since then! So grab beverage and snack, and get ready for a quick look back at Hadley's first year.
She still does this face from time to time |
"You lookin' at me??" |
Very quickly, Hadley developed her personality: happy, always smiling, and quite the charmer. Her teen years are going to be rough....for her dad.
"Rarrrr! I'm going to get you, Mommy!!" |
Hadley's made some wonderful friends this year, but her very best is Hartley. These two have been buddies from the start, at just one month apart. Their parents like each other, too, which helps.
Babies at Polo |
Beach bums having a great time! |
"It's OK friend. You eat the toast." |
"I can't believe they made us dress up." |
But no matter how many people love her, Hadley is the best thing to happen to us. She makes everything better. Because...seriously....those cheeks.
"I'll open my presents in the pit. Thanks." |