Week 22 - it's been crazy! This week was a big deal for Bean... a lot of firsts. It was her first concert (Paramore and Fall Out Boy), her first baby shower (in PA thrown by Grammy and Aunt Marge), and the first time she reached ONE POUND in size. Wowzers!!! Bean is the size of a papaya, and she's starting to develop sleep patterns. She sleeps about 12-14 hours per day, but (as you would suspect) those aren't usually the times when Mom is sleeping. Bean is also kicking and moving around like crazy! Sometimes I can see her kicking Mom's belly ---- from the outside! I think Bean is going to be a soccer star like Dad or a ninja like Mom wishes she was.
Mom at 22 weeks at her baby shower |
This week, Bean went to a concert in Tampa with Mom and Dad's friends Ryan and Judy. They left me at home, but that's ok. I fell asleep watching Law & Order.
They had a great time at the concert though. They went to see Paramore and Fall Out Boy. Mom and Dad saw Fall Out Boy when they were in college, so it was a really fun for them to go again, but this time with Bean. She loved the drums and was kicking the whole time!
Mom and Bean in her Paramore t-shirt |
Mom also left me and Dad at home for a long weekend of boy bonding while she went up north to visit Grammy and Pop-Pop. She had a baby shower while she was there! I'm told that's where humans give other humans gifts, but it sounds more like a weird bathing situation to me. While Mom was gone, Dad and I did this:
Me and Dad snuggling and watching TV |
But Mom and Bean got the royal treatment! I'm super jealous!! Bean got so many lovely gifts and SO many cute new toys for me to steal. Grammy and Aunt Marge pulled out all the stops for Bean's very special day, and Mom was really touched by so many people coming to see her. It was a very special day for both of them, but I'm really happy to have Mom home. Mom is posting all of the baby shower pictures on Facebook, so be sure to check on that as well.
Fruit salad shaped like a baby carriage! Aunt Marge did a great job. |
Beautiful and delicious cupcakes celebrating Bean. |
Grammy getting ready for the party |
Pop-Pop in his favorite chair |
Aunt Marge, hard at work before the guests arrived |
Mom - unwrapping Bean's gifts |